MARSS showcases CUAS capabilities at DEVCOM trial in Fort Drum, NY, USA

As part of the preparation for a major demonstration of CUAS and Air Defence capabilities, scheduled later this month at a Middle Eastern experimentation centre, MARSS showcased its world-leading NiDAR Command and Control (C2) CUAS system at a shakedown event sponsored by DEVCOM, held at Fort Drum, New York in August

Together with industry and state partners, MARSS demonstrated its NiDAR C2 CUAS system, with its rapid integration and sensor / effector agnostic capabilities, to an audience including senior US armed forces leaders, allied and domestic personnel and key DoD representatives.


Jeff Tipton (COL Ret), Defence Business Development for MARSS, led the team showcasing NiDAR Core C2, powered by MARSS proprietary AI, which dramatically reduces the decision cycle between CUAS Detect, Verify and Defeat – the crucial force multiplier in the rapidly evolving CUAS battlespace.

The demonstration showed that MARSS’ NiDAR C2 software can seamlessly integrate the latest sensors and effectors developed by our partners. This includes an innovative EO-IR solution from Current Corp – specifically developed to provide improved performance and reliability in the Middle East – and the latest CUAS radar solutions from both SRC and Echodyne – providing an impenetrable detection web that captured all threats. 


The defeat end of the solution was demonstrated by proven effectors from EOS and Northrop Grumman (NG), all connected by a secure Silvus Technologies radio network and integrated into the MARSS NiDAR platform, creating an effective layered solution to protect people and assets from asymmetric threats.

Jeff Tipton commented. “Over the multi-day exercise our team demonstrated how MARSS can support the US armed forces and our allies to rapidly assimilate both legacy and next generation sensors and effectors into NiDAR’s single situational awareness picture. Combined with our proprietary AI, this can shorten the decision cycle, from Detect to Defeat, from minutes to a matter of seconds – greatly reducing the cognitive burden on operators and increasing the probability of defeat of an incoming threat.”

Over the course of the exercise MARSS’ NiDAR system, integrated with EOS’s and NG’s effectors, repeatedly defeated Class 1 and 2 drones at ranges approaching one kilometre. As a result of this extraordinary success-rate, alongside detailed testing of the NiDAR platform, MARSS has been selected to demonstrate the system to key partners during the Middle East phase of the exercise – which will see MARSS tackle Class 3 fixed-wing drones at longer ranges.

Tipton added “NiDAR is the Single Pane of Glass that has been needed in Real-World threat situations over the globe.”

MARSS is a world leader in the development of AI powered solutions that protect people, critical infrastructure, assets and nations from asymmetric threats from the Air, Land, Surface and Underwater. Its NiDAR systems are already operational across the world, protecting millions of lives.